ATCCHA's Statement on the
Murder of George Floyd
Following the murder of George Floyd, we know many in our community are feeling an all too common pain. A pain that exists when violence and hate seem to be stronger than justice and peace. A pain that occurs when witnessing a lack of humanity.
ATCCHA exists because we know community support and connection allow housing professionals to learn and grow. Today, that connection is needed more than ever as we face both violence and a pandemic. We recognize that we cannot gather in solidarity in person, so we offer this message as our sign of support and hope that you all can find the connections you need--your humanity matters.
We will work to offer resources to our community as we come across them. We will be sharing on social media, sending them out in emails, and they can be found on our website HERE. A few have already been included below. Please feel free to send us resources you believe benefit the ATCCHA network.
With Love,
The ATCCHA Leadership
Nic Steilen, ATCCHA Chair
Jonathan Cardenas, ATCCHA Chair-Elect
Alex Miller, Operations Chair
Robyn Crutchfield, Networking Chair
Jess Skjonsby Social Media Chair